Sunday, October 30, 2011

Phil's Horror Watch, Day 28: Phil watches THE HUMAN CENTERPIEDE (FIRST SEQUENCE) (2009)-October

Welcome back to Day 28 of my horror movie marathon! Tonight's movie is one of the most disturbing horror films ever. A film that shocked audiences and critics alike upon its original release. With the release of the sequel hitting theaters this weekend, I thought it would appropriate to view THE HUMAN CENTERPIEDE (FIRST SEQUENCE) for tonight's choice.

Theatrical Movie Poster (2010)
A gifted but mad scientist named Dr. Heiter (Dieter Laser) kidnaps a trio of tourists: best friends Lindsay and Jenny (Ashley C. Williams and Ashlynn Yennie respectively) and a man named Katsuro (Akihiro Kitamura). In his secret lab in the basement of his home, he performs an inhuman experiment of stitching their mouths to their rectums, thus creating a "human centipede."

OK, this is a hard film to watch. Just the sheer thought of stitching someone's mouth to another person's anus is grotesque and shocking. Director Tom Six pushes the envelope with the film, and dares go to places that other filmmakers never thought of or dreamed of.

The film played on the festival circuit in 2009, including the London FrightFest Film Festival, Sitges Film Festival, and the Screamfest Horror Film Festival. It opened in New York the following year and soon was had a limited theatrical release thanks to its distributor IFC Films.

OK this is all I'm gonna say about THE HUMAN CENTIPEDE. This one of those films that has to be seen to believe. So if you are brave enough to see this film, prepare to have you vomit bag handy!

THE HUMAN CENTIPEDE (FIRST SEQUENCE) is currently available on Blu-Ray and DVD from IFC Films. To purchase a copy, visit your local retailer or visit the IFC website at

Thanks for reading, and enjoy the show!

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